Posted by on Oct 21, 2010 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

When I tell people I arise at around 4:15AM 5 to 6 days each week to workout, I’m either thought of as crazy or some wonder ‘how do you do it’.  There are advantages! The physical fitness aspect of working out each day will be a blog entry for another day.  But this morning – October 21, 2010 at 4:45AM – I witnessed one of the big bonuses.  I had the distinct privilege of seeing the beauty of our Creators’ creation when He sits that big white ball in the sky and you see it right before it sets into the western sky.

Williamson County moon set - 10-21-2010

It is a ‘car-stopper’ believe me because I did exactly that – pulled over to the side of the road to take this picture and say ‘Thank you Father for that beauty!’  Couldn’t help but share it with you.  Enjoy! (because I know some who read this blog have NEVER EVER seen this! – glad I could help! 🙂