When you get to my age bracket, you tend to think: “I’ll break the rules and just do what I want to!” As long as it’s within the parameters of good clean living and the law, I think that’s occasionally OK! This weekend was one of those times!
If you had suggested to me that I fly down to Gainesville, Florida for 48 hours and join my wife as she had her quarterly visit with our Florida kids and grandkids, I would have thought – “you’re nuts!” BUT, it didn’t seem fair … Mimi was down there soaking up the fun and Poppy was left at home – missing Charlie & Natalie time! But really? Pay for a flight in order to get about 36 hours face-to-face time with those people. It didn’t take me long to assess this critical situation and my final decision – “HECK YEAH it made sense!” See, when you are a grandfather – you not only break the rules but you go for the gusto – as they say! So I did.
Besides, 5 year old Charlie was in a triathlon! You read it right – TRIATHLON (kids style – of course)! Then, there was a 2nd Birthday party for Natalie – a big deal – right? Then flag football as Charlie just tried to figure out if he even cares about pulling a flag belt from other players hips!! And then a birthday party for a friend from school at a horse farm with gnats, flies, heat and humidity. WHO CARES? We didn’t miss any of it!
If you’re thinking Benton’s getting older, crazier and isn’t making good sense, be real careful if you are younger than I and making that statement! Your time is coming – trust me on that one! If you are my age or older and you have grandchildren, I’m sure you are cheering me on because you have done similar things like this and you’re now feeling better about yourself!
Now onto the next adventure: grandchild #10 coming within about 3 weeks. Never a dull moment around here and you know what, THAT’S JUST FINE!
Enjoy some other great pix from the weekend!
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