Posted by on Dec 7, 2016 in All, Fascinating, Hard to Believe!, Real Life, Technology | 0 comments

Well … they’ve done it again.  What will Amazon not do to capture interest and convenience in the marketplace.  Their latest effort – Amazon Go!  No cashiers and no lines in a self-guided food shopping experience!  The first store is in beta right now on the ground floor of the massive Amazon headquarters in Seattle.  They’re basically saying: “Employees – you test this out, we’ll iron out the kinks and then build on this experience around the country in 2017.”

No matter if you believe in what they do or are troubled by their take-over style throughout commerce in our country, they are successful – in a BIG way!  If you or I had taken $1000 in 1995 and invested it in small little Amazon, that $1000 would be worth $500,000 today.  Shoulda – coulda- woulda!  Many said at that time Amazon would become the Walmart of the web and they were laughed at.  They are now getting the last laugh!

I remember when Amazon came online and what I saw when I first accessed their website in 1995!  I thought: “Why would a company call itself AMAZON?”  It didn’t take long for us to get the answer!  Their website today is ions different than this first one.  Look at this!

Amazon homepage in 1995!

I confess – we use Amazon and we use them heavily.  It’s about convenience and pricing.  Not everything is less expensive but you cannot argue the time saved by having them deliver their inventory to you is hard to beat.  And of course, start-ups abound because of convenience – everything from grocery delivery, pet veterinary and grooming brought to your door, food trucks in your locale and we could go on and on!  Jeff Bezos – a no-nonsense guy took a gamble that his idea of Amazon and many that have come since the early days would work!  Indeed they have!  Just look at the balance sheet for Amazon – annual revenue surpasses more than $100 billion.  Not bad for a 21 year old company!

So to close, I’ll ask my Amazon Echo – Alexa to finish this blog and she responds: “Sure, glad I could help!”